Configuring US Robotics Sportster Modem for the HP3000
Configuring US Robotics Sportster Modem as an HP3000 Host Modem
I. DIP Switches
- down
- up
- down
- up
- up
- down
- up
- down
II. Configuration/Initialization String
Using a straight through cable and a PC or dumb terminal, enter the following
string into the modem.
type in : at <cr>
modem responds with: OK
type in : at&F &B1 &A3 &I3 &S1 S13=1 &W0
modem responds with: OK
III. Modem cable and Host Configuration
The pinouts for the modem cable (25 pin male on both ends) are as follows:
(NOTE: This cable is **NOT** symetrical. The cable must be installed in the proper direction to work correctly.)
2 - 3 3 - 2 4 - 8 6 - 20 7 - 7 8 - 4 11 - 12 12 - 19 20 - 6 22 - 5 23 - 23
The HP Part number to order this cable pre-made is 30062B.