Image Enhancements in 6.5 Exp. 2 & 7.0 Exp. 1
Several enhancements to Image/SQL were included in Express releases for MPE/iX 6.5 and 7.0. The enhancements listed below are from a presentation given by Vikram Kumar of HP CSY at HP World 2001.
Some of the highlights include:
* Increase limits of a database
240 Datasets per database (up from 199)
1200 Data Items per database (up from 1023)
64 Paths from master to detail datasets (up from 16)
A complete list of current TurboImage limits is available on our web site in Section 4.7 Capacities & Maximums of The TurboIMAGE FAQ
* Support of dataset size > 80 GB
Requires a one-time database conversion. Fully compatible with existing applications, no need to recompile any programs.
* Find by Record number in QUERY
When you have is a relative record number Query will retrieve the record for you. Programmatically this is a DBGET Mode 4. DBDRIVER is a common way of doing this today.
* Display percent completion in QUERY
Currently QUERY provides no feedback at all during data retrieval. And when you press CTRL-Y it responds with a number of records qualified but doesn’t let you know how many records it has processed. This enhancement will provide better progress information.
* TurboIMAGE scalability II
Implementing a more effective internal locking strategy to provide more concurrency on DBPUT/DBDELETE.