With decades experience supporting the most mission-critical deployments of HP-UX anywhere in the world, Beechglen has maintained an unmatched reputation of reliability and trust in complex/critical ServiceGuard environments.
What is MC/ServiceGuard? and what service is provided on this OS Environment?
MC/ServiceGuard Support indicates proactive and reactive support will be provided on both the HP-UX OS environment and layered software products being utilized in a completely redundant, mission-critical environment in which the enterprise utilizes their HP9000 and Integrity servers.
With HP Serviceguard, multiple server nodes and/or server partitions are organized into redundant enterprise clusters that deliver highly available application services to network attached clients. The HP-UX operating system is integrated between the Processor Dependent Code (PDC) and the Serviceguard Clustering Environment which provides reliable redundancy and fail-over to these mission critical servers. The PDC is far more than BIOS and its integration with HP-UX provides high-end server performance that could not be achieved in an OS alone.
Beechglen Support Objective: Maximize system up-time/ proactively prevent downtime and return failed cluster nodes to active service in as little time as possible – providing access to expert technicians and business recovery specialists available 24x7x365 with a comprehensive test lab of systems to analyze crash data, reproduce problems, test patches and alternate solutions to return down systems to active service in as little time as possible.
Beechglen support ensures trained technicians and engineers are available for all proactive and reactive MC/ServiceGuard related issues affecting hardware and applications fail-over configuration dependencies, system support and troubleshooting for clustered systems – including our extensive lab for reproducing problems and testing patches and alternate solutions as well as providing root cause analysis for system failures in complex MC/ServiceGuard server clusters
Why is this Critical: In a 100% MC/ServiceGuard redundant environment, system failures are more complex than standalone HP-UX servers. Additional realms of problems occur based on layered products, clustering dependencies of multiple servers/server nodes, and disaster recovery fail-over. These dependencies also exist at the patch level, ensuring patching dependencies are interoperable when applied to a single server and its failover cluster.
With high-end corporate-critical database servers that measure application downtime in mere minutes per year, unique specialized support expertise is required to see through server-level failures & changes to fail-over dependent systems and subsystems. Each server instance and server cluster is a unique accumulation of an OS base release and thousands of patches. Each support instance, both hw & sw failure, or change requires careful attention and tools for patch dependency analysis for each server, each subsystem, all hardware components and all applications.