Beechglen provides a home-away-from-home backup and guarantees to have a hot system ready in the event you experience a disaster that impairs your operations.
A distinctive feature of Beechglen’s Hot-Site Service that sets it apart from other services is you need not place a system administrator on-site during the declared disaster. We not only provide the system –
We include the resources and expertise to get the system up and running.
Your key personnel can focus on other sensitive issues in such scenario or in place of personnel that are impacted.
Nonetheless, Beechglen provides comfortable work spaces for on-site client testing and planning. Remote access and testing is also available which may help provide additional cost savings.
Mission-Critical Support
Sys Admin
Cloud Hosting Solutions
D/R Planning
Custom Programming/ Development
Beechglen Development Inc.
4224 Harrison Avenue
Cincinnati, OH 45211