SMH Information

Page started on: Mon Mar 29 10:45:00 EDT 2021
swlist -l product | grep -i SysMgmtHomepage SysMgmtHomepage A. HP-UX System Management Homepage - Web-Based User Interfaces SysMgmtHomepage A.3.2.9 HP-UX System Management Homepage - Web-Based User Interfaces
SMH Startup Configuration

/opt/hpsmh/bin/smhstartconfig HPSMH 'autostart url' mode.........: ON HPSMH 'start on boot' mode.........: OFF Start Tomcat when HPSMH starts.....: OFF Tomcat and Connector port : 1188

Quick Check of SMH

/opt/hpsmh/bin/smhassist smhassist will try and find out SMH Configuration and Installation problems. Checking SMH Installation ..........................[FAIL] ISSUE: SysMgmtHomepage product is not correctly installed. RESOLUTION: Reinstall with 'swinstall -s SysMgmtHomepage @ /' Checking for Apache Patches ..........................[OK] Checking Open SSL Installation ..........................[OK] Checking WBEM Installation ..........................[OK] Checking SFM Installation ..........................[OK] Checking SMH Daemons ..........................[FAIL] ISSUE: HTTP server for SMH is set to autostart. But smhstartd daemon which autostarts the HTTP process is not running RESOLUTION: Start the autostart deamon by '/opt/hpsmh/bin/hpsmh autostart' Checking SMH Ports ..........................[FAIL] ISSUE: 2301 http port is not open. This is the port used for normal http connections RESOLUTION: Restart HPSMH by '/sbin/init.d/hpsmh stop|autostart' Checking SMH Users ..........................[OK] Total Checks Performed : 9 Total Errors : 3 Total Warnings : 0
See /opt/hpsmh/logs/smhassist.log for details /opt/hpsmh/logs/smhassist.log  
Page completed on: Mon Mar 29 10:45:36 EDT 2021