Configuring US Robotics Sportster Modem for the HP3000

Configuring US Robotics Sportster Modem as an HP3000 Host Modem

I. DIP Switches

  1. down
  2. up
  3. down
  4. up
  5. up
  6. down
  7. up
  8. down

II. Configuration/Initialization String
Using a straight through cable and a PC or dumb terminal, enter the following
string into the modem.

type in : at <cr>
modem responds with: OK
type in : at&F &B1 &A3 &I3 &S1 S13=1 &W0
modem responds with: OK

III. Modem cable and Host Configuration

The pinouts for the modem cable (25 pin male on both ends) are as follows:
(NOTE: This cable is **NOT** symetrical. The cable must be installed in the proper direction to work correctly.)


2 - 3
3 - 2
4 - 8
6 - 20
7 - 7
8 - 4
11 - 12
12 - 19
20 - 6
22 - 5
23 - 23

The HP Part number to order this cable pre-made is 30062B.